Information and guidance system for pedestrians and cyclists
Information on the history and development of the Überseestadt

Where is the “Speicher I” warehouse? How do I get to the Harbour Museum in the “Speicher XI” warehouse? And what path leads directly to the Europahafen marina? – Bremeninvest installed an information and guidance system in late 2015 to help pedestrians and cyclists get around and find their way in the Überseestadt.
This consists partly of information boards with an integrated control unit, and also of simple road signs. Boards and road signs can be found at points of interest in the area, such as in the Weser quarter, at the Hilde Adolf Park and the Europahafen, in front of Depot 1, at Franz-Pieper-Karree (the former international seaport), at the “Speicher XI” warehouse and the timber and factory port.
The information and guidance system not only offers comprehensive orientation support; it also provides information on the history and evolution of the Überseestadt with texts in German and English, historical and current pictures and an illustrative map. Kilometres are displayed next to the locations to allow pedestrians and cyclists to estimate distances and the time needed to get there.