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Success Stories

Leisure and Tourism
22 February 2024
Sportgarten concept in the Überseestadt is a complete success

The Sportgarten (Sports garden) Überseestadt stands for exercise, sport and intercultural encounters. Hanns-Ulrich Barde, who co-founded the Sportgarten Bremen association, can still remember the beginnings on the wasteland at Winterhafen. In this interview, he talks about the development and the latest milestone: a lighting system.

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New harbour district
26 January 2024
Experience pleasure on the Überseeinsel

After the Brüning Group in summer 2023, the first floor of the former rice hall on the Kellogg site is now coming to life. Högen Eck, Zio Manu di Napoli and Bremer Braumanufaktur are joining forces to create a new dining experience.

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New harbour district
23 November 2023
Europaquartier: transport links completed

Construction work at the Konsul-Smidt-Straße/Überseetor junction has been completed. This means that the Europaquartier (formerly Schuppen 3) has been connected to the Überseetor area in terms of transport since mid-May 2023. In this interview, Hanno Fritsch, Project Manager for Building Construction/Development at WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH, explains the key facts about this construction projecte.

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New harbour district
26 October 2023
Giving a soul to the neighbourhood

It doesn't have a tower, but the Überseekirche is still a church. The meeting rooms in the Hafenpassage residential complex at Konsul-Smidt-Straße 33 are open to all interested parties. The ecumenical project is aimed at people of all ages, different religions, world views, origins and backgrounds. We present the current activities.

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New harbour district
28 September 2023
Ideas for the Zukunftsquartier Piek 17

What can the commercial location of tomorrow look like? What uses does Überseestadt need? And how should the public space be designed? Following a site inspection, local residents, Waller Advisory Board members and other interested parties submitted their suggestions for the Piek 17 neighbourhood of the future. You could also take part online until 9 October 2023.

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New harbour district
31 August 2023
Logistics specialist for coffee, cocoa and tea

The location in Überseestadt is of central importance to the Vollers Group. The heart of the internationally active company beats at the Speicherhof and in the neighbouring areas such as the Überseeinsel with Shed 6. A new leasehold contract is intended to provide the company with long-term investment security.

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New harbour district
24 August 2023
Seen from the water

They are moored in the Europahafen marina: boats and ships that allow adventure-seekers to experience the Überseestadt quarter and the city of Bremen from an unusual perspective. You don't even need a boating licence for most of the rental options.

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New harbour district
1 June 2023
The Überseeinsel continues to grow

A new quarter of the future is being created in Bremen's Überseestadt district. The Überseeinsel is to become a place for all generations, a 15-hectare neighbourhood for working, living and relaxing in the development area between the Europahafen and the Weser. This vision is becoming increasingly tangible. An overview of the projects that Überseeinsel GmbH has already realised and what it is still planning on the former Kellogg's site.

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30 May 2022
Eight buildings in Überseestadt that catch the eye

High, colourful or jagged: In Überseestadt you will find buildings in many shapes and colours. We took a closer look at eight particularly striking buildings. What is it about their special architecture? And what actually happens behind the scenes?

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Art & Culture
1 April 2022
Urban art in Überseestadt

Free and outside: we present urban artworks in Überseestadt that you can discover on a leisurely stroll through the neighbourhood. These include a piece of German history, mysterious sculptures and a Bremen cult runabout.

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Local Products
1 February 2022
8 Products from the Überseestadt

Whether green kale, coffee or beer: we present products from the food industry that are produced in Überseestadt. The special thing: All products can be bought locally, in the supermarket or online.

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Urban Development
4 January 2019
Schuppen 3 to become the new EuropaQuartier

The diggers have been working away, the architects have been busy drafting their plans, and the investors are in full flow: Large parts of the “Schuppen 3” warehouse on Konsul-Smidt-Straße are already being demolished to make room for ...

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